My very first experience of working.

Assalamualaikum (:

zobs me sebab baru start kerja pada umur 21 but i am thankful because i got the oppurtunity to work. So basically this post is about my work life. My like-so-excited-to-tell-yals-about-it-duhhhh. Hiks. My parents jenis strict when it comes to money because they knew i boros. So one day bila dah keluar berjalan and kau hanya mampu window shopping seeing your bff be like '' weh i confused which tudung/baju or whatever is better '' dan tengok macam mana kawan kau dapat beli apa yg dorang nak using their own money. I.GOT.JELLY.ON.ME hahahaha cammmmm best nya kalau kerja. So i determined to get a job. Like jobless for a 6 months++ .

First attempt of course payah. I go everywhere every single shop where they needed pekerja siap isi borang semua. Tapi tak dapat apa-apa. Masa tu frust jugak. Macam sekarang ni memang penting lah kot working experience tu. Aku tang situ memang zero. I've been a promoter before for an online shop tapi sekejap jelah. Orang be like tak percaya. So susah. Dorang nak atleast 3 months of working experience. Masa tu give up sungguh sampailah kawan aku balik untuk cuti sem and we both decide untuk cari lagi. Niat masa tu dah jadi ' weh aku teman ko jelah. aku tak kisah dapat ke tak ' pastu zasssss merayap dapatlah kerja kat kedai alatan harian.

my last day of working though :') 

At first memang i had my own hard times here as i always have a difficulity to adapt myself to a new place wherever i go. Similar to this time, i only open up myself after 2 weeks and a half kot to talk to them happily. Lebih kurang macam my true colour baru nampaklah time tu. But alhamdulillah it went well. I have no problem with them and i hope for the same things on their side too! 

So, i am a promoter at raya dept. Before i get into raya dept, i am a promoter at kids dept. Masa mula kerja tu terkial sungguh la sebab tak pernah kerja. Tak tahu macam mana. Kira stok bukak stok kemas stok susun barang from a-z. Tapi sekarang dah tahu. Like bangga jugak lah sebab aku ni so-spoil-brat(?) hahahahahahahaha. so macam, gila bangga sebab aku ni jenis semua nak orang buat kan #sisborakserious tetiba kerja kena buat sendiri takkan nak harapkan orang. Banyak benda aku belajar and sejak kerja aku baru kenal diri aku. Tbh, i am quite bossy and annoying plus i have this princess/diva syndrome #sisconfess bila kerja mana ada org nak tolong kau sangat. Ada tu ada tapi mana boleh nak expect semua orang tolong betul. So sejak kerja aku berjaya rely on my ownself. Kalau dulu angkat besi or jaring berat confirm aku tak nak sebab memenatkan semua. Bila kerja i got this mindset WE GIRLS CAN DO IT TOO so i get through it :') 

Kerja jugak ajar aku jadi matang sikit bila fikir. Bila ada princess/diva syndrome mestilah jenis ' I LOOK OUT FOR MYSELF ONLY I DONT CARE ABOUT OTHERS DUHHH ' bila duduk dalam satu organisasi mesti ada banyak pihak. So tak boleh lah nak pentingkan diri sendiri. Banyak pengalaman aku kutip. Nak serve cust macam mana. Alhamdulillah, sepanjang kerja takda kena marah dengan cust. Lagi-lagi masa raya haritu sebab quite rushing. ' DIK AMIKKAN NI. DIK AKAK NAK TENGOK NI ' ada jugak cust yang pelik tapi yelah kita kerja kena lah ' pelanggan sentiasa betul ' so just let it go~~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


ps : thank you guys for these 1 month and 7 days. I am surely gonna miss all of you like crazy kkkk~~ I am glad that i am surrounded by these beautifull people they even helped me when i was blurred and even correct me if i did something wrong. May God bless all of you and may our friendship went smoothly. 



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